Purposeful summaries- coolraccoon318

PizzaHut at the Pyramids

It seems counterintuitive to have a PizzaHut by the Pyramids. Pyramids is one of the many wonders of the world and one of the best man made structures in the world. It is filled with rich history that dates back centuries and even to this day we are still learning about the Pyramids and what is inside them. It seems counterintuitive that there are fast food places that surround the pyramids. At the very least it could’ve been Egyptian food to try or souvenirs that people can take home to be more immersed in the culture. It seems as if consumerism is still alive and well even in this beautiful place.

Extreme Parenting

It seems counterintuitive that extreme parenting and strict parenting actually leads to more issues for the child. Children with very strict parents find it hard to be themselves and be independent and express themselves. They are also more likely to rebel and actually disobey their parents. If the parents let their kids be more independent they can learn from their mistakes and actually grow up and struggling in the future. More likely than not by not letting your kid learn from their mistakes and hovering they are more likely to be more dependent for a longer time instead of being independent.

Why Keeping Girls Squeaky Clean Keeps Them Sick

It seems counterintuitive that girls are more likely to get sick than boys when girls keep themselves clean. This is very strange but because boys at a young age are outside more and get dirty more and exposing themselves with sickness early girls are staying inside and not developing the antibodies that the boys do. Girls are more likely to suffer from asthma for the rest of their lives while boys get asthma earlier but then recover from it later on.

About coolraccoon318

I have a wonderful family and have a beautiful girlfriend, I like to go to the gym, play and watch sports and play video games. I also like to cook and try new things and I want to travel the world.
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1 Response to Purposeful summaries- coolraccoon318

  1. davidbdale says:

    Not bad, but sloppy, Racoon. Sounds dictated instead of composed. Could have benefitted from feedback and a rewrite. I’m sorry you didn’t ask.

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