Class 22: MON NOV 20

Visual Argument for BabyYoda:

Sources Workshop 2

Workshop: Ag-Gag Arguments

  • Should Activists Be Targeted with Ag-Gag Laws?
    • A Brief Video Debate over the Ethical Treatment of Animals turns to a Debate over the Ethical Treatment of Farmers and the Ethical Treatment of Activists.
      • Farmers say: Activists bolster their false claims of animal cruelty inside animal farms with doctored and manipulated footage.
      • Farmers say: Activists’ real agenda is to close all animal farms and force vegetarianism on the country.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Undercover footage has led to criminal charges against meat producers and food safety recalls.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: We’re not green kooks. The Teamsters, the AFL-CIO, the American Civil Liberties Union and other legitimate organizations have joined us in opposition to Ag-Gag laws. .
      • Farmers say: Releasing footage of presumably cruel treatment to the media instead of giving farms a chance to take corrective action demonstrates that activists want to harm farms more than help animals.
      • Farmers say: Waiting “even a minute” to gather a body of evidence of abuse instead of “turning it over” immediately proves activists don’t sincerely seek change; they seek to harm the farms.
      • Farmers say: Compiling months’ worth of tapes into provocative gross-out videos to release under a DONATE NOW button proves the disingenuousness of the activists’ motivation.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: What we gather is evidence of criminal behavior.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Sadly, much of the abuse in meat-raising farms is institutionalized abuse against animals NOT PROTECTED by a single federal law.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: The government doesn’t protect animals, and farms are understandably secretive about their operations, so undercover video is the only chance Americans have to see how their food is produced.
      • Farmers say: The last thing farmers need is to be policed by activists whose goal is to enforce a Vegan World.
      • Farmers say: We police ourselves. Workers are required to report abuse to the managers. Quality assurance officers, or some sort of managers, review footage from cameras in the processing plants.
      • Farmers say: 98% of US farms and ranches are “family-owned.”
      • Farmers say: It’s not in the best interest of farms to have allegations of abuse made against them.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Ten billion birds are slaughtered for food every year on farms that in many cases have 100,000,000 birds on one farm. The entire enterprise is massively industrialized, unsupervised, unrestrained by government regulation an oversight.
      • Moderator says: McDonalds restaurant chain fired Fargo Farms after allegations of cruelty to chickens brought to light by undercover video. [shows video]. How will Ag-Gag laws stifle this activity?
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: There is no other way to document and expose cruelty on farms that don’t invite scrutiny. The same day farm workers pled guilty to criminal animal abuse, the State legislature criminalized the kind of reporting that led to those convictions.
      • Moderator says: Why shouldn’t investigators who film abuse be required to turn that evidence over within 24 hours?
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Evidence of a single case of abuse doesn’t provide evidence of a PATTERN OF ABUSE. Prosecutors will ignore single violations. But they have to address systemic abuse if it is documented.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Low-level employees cannot be expected to risk losing their jobs by reporting abuse.
      • Farmers say: The activists are shirking their real responsibility by running to the media to “expose” the employees engaging in “standard industry practices.” They just want to raise money by releasing shocking video images.
      • Farmers say: Nobody has a right to videotape on private property without permission. Farmers need protection against clandestine investigations.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: If I were abusing animals in my home for their entire lives, I wouldn’t want anybody videotaping and documenting that behavior either.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Corporate farmers write the Ag-Gag laws and have muscled legislatures to criminalize any news gathering organization that documents their hidden behaviors.
      • Animal Rights Advocates say: Farms are closed to reporters. Employees are sworn to secrecy. Government doesn’t oversee the operations. And when farms hold conferences about denying access to oversight, they ban credentialed reporters from covering those events.

Extra Credit Task: Review and Annotate one of the Sources Below

  • You may select any of the 9 sources below.
  • Publish your work in the Ag-Gag Sources category,
  • and your Username category, of course.
  • Title your work Ag-Gag—Username.
  • Use whatever format seems best for your Notes.
  1. Law Declares Reporting Abuse to be Terrorism
  2. Laws Turn Activists into Terrorists
  3. Gross-Out Videos as an Activist Technique
  4. Raising Animals for Food
  5. Taping Cruelty is now the Crime
  6. Open the Slaughterhouses
  7. Warning, Graphic: The Meat Video (What Cody Saw)
  8. Foie Gras Is Not Unethical
  9. Two Videos on Gavage: Force-Feeding Geese
    Cormorant Swallowing Whole Fish

If the topic intrigues you, here’s another link I found during class:
How Big Agriculture Completely Controls 96% of Chicken Production

YouTube “Gotcha” video exposes chicken production practices.

Portfolio Task: Research Position Paper

25 Responses to Class 22: MON NOV 20

  1. Urbie says:

    class notes:
    -visual argument about failed affirmation.
    -grades conference date.
    -deadline for portfolio and assignments.
    -workshop on 5 sentences
    -extra credit task (it will be helpful to do it)
    -all the things we need to know about the position research.
    -submit everything early is better than last minute.

  2. hdt1817 says:

    Class Notes 11/20
    – We discussed our portfolios and what needs to be done in order to make them ready for the end of the semester.
    – Professor Hodges showed us the first year writing department’s guidelines.
    – We went over the last mandatory conference and how there is a possibility that Professor Hodges may not be available for those conferences.
    1. $0.05
    2. 100 minutes
    3. 47 days
    4. 6 rounds
    – Professor Hodges provided us with a video on how to differentiate between popular sources and scholarly sources.
    – It could possibly be difficult to find scholarly sources on “new” mainstream topics. Most sources may just be popular news articles. You have to change the wording of your search into something that is more likely to gather scholarly sources or articles.
    – We talked about using the Rowan Library’s data base to find sources.
    – We need 3000 words to do the job of 5000 words in our research position paper.

  3. kevinjames says:

    This class was mainly a housekeeping and overview of the course. There is one more zoom call to sign up for for a final grading discussion, and other portfolio tasks that need to be completed by the due date. We have 8 tasks and we can update them as needed until grading between the 18-21 of December. There is an extra credit assignment that we are able to do on the Ag-gag laws about secret filming of different animal farms and processing plants.

  4. maxxpayne says:

    – Final portfolio submissions.
    – First year writing department guidelines discussed from the agenda.
    Solving a few arithmetic riddle questions.
    – Discussed the source workshop.
    – Extra credit assignment explained.
    – Deadlines for all the portfolio submissions and final grade review conference dates discussed.

  5. jreggie20 says:

    Class Notes:

    The Portfolio – Is a page of recent assignments that are requirements for the portfolio.

    Simple Arithmetic Questions – There are four questions that require a little brain power to figure out.

    Sources Workshop 2 – Gives help with finding rebuttal sources. Google Scholar is a branch off to google that can help search for the specifics of a toping you are researching.

    Workshop: Ag-Gag Arguments – Is a extra credit assignment. It discusses the argument that slaughterhouses make food but are not really allowed to expose those ways to the public. They try to keep activist out.

    Research Position Paper – The Paper is an Argument. Its purpose is to persuade readers of the rightness of your opinion based on the evidence you’ve compiled and synthesized. The Paper meets the minimum 3000-word requirement. It makes the most of those 3000 words, wasting none on BS or boilerplate. It is not wordy or repetitive. The Paper achieves the high standards of academic integrity. It cites its sources accurately and thoroughly, borrows nothing without citation, and credits every outside influence.

  6. JetsFan2 says:

    November 20 Class notes
    – We began class talking about the requirements of the portfolio
    – by the end 8 posts should be uploaded to it.
    1. ball costs 10 cents
    2. 5
    3. 47 days
    4. 63 games
    – we went over agricultural laws and how green is the new red.
    – the ag-gag laws.

  7. hockeyplayer says:


    Portfolio task:
    -Due by Monday December 11th
    -Eight total assignments will be under this category
    -Final grade conferences will be over four days which can be done after doublecheck.

    Riddle Answers:
    1)The ball would cost $0.05
    2)5 minuets
    3) 47 days
    4) 63 matches

    Sources Workshop:
    – Don’t want all popular sources, want to include academic ones as well.
    -Discuss the differences between the two different kinds of sources.

    Research Position Paper:
    Due Monday December 4th
    -We go over what the paper should include. For example must be 3000 words, shows significant research, includes reference section, paper compiles work of entire semester, achieves high standards

    Workshop Ag-Gag Arguments:
    -Extra Credit(optional)
    -Choose whatever source interested in.

  8. puffer says:

    -Check out rowans 5 core values of the FYWP
    -Check portfolio page
    -Portfolio is proposal+5 just complete it (needs 10-15 sources)
    -Look at core values (Self-Reflective Statement) Cut and paste template.
    -Take a peek at the Self-Reflective Statement for some help on assignments.

    -Sources workshop 2

    -Research Position portfolio paper. Researched Persuasive Argument.

    -Ag-Gag Arguments
    -Extra Credit!!! (Do it if you drop math)
    -Look up “Ag-Gag” laws

  9. TheFrogSprog says:

    We started class by going over an AI image that Professor Hodges commissioned to help demonstrate Baby Yoda’s Visual Rhetoric

    Portfolio Contents
    The five core values of the writing program were discussed as one of our portfolio assignments has us provide evidence that we’ve met the five values in our writing. The elevator instructions assignment was made to fill the third value specifically and the visual rhetoric assignment is for the fourth value.

    Jimmy Carter understands that as a Georgian Peanut farmer, he knew what his peers wanted, and his statement “A Black man would never be elected president” would be taken severely out of context as this is Carter’s way of verbalizing the feelings of his constituents and not his own opinions.

    Two of the three short argument essays and their accompanying drafts will be included in our Portfolio, the visual rhetoric, the annotated bib containing 10-15 sources, the reflective statement, and the Research paper will be the eight items that are contained in our Portfolios.

    The portfolio needs to be completed on the final date of our class, which should be December 11th. The final conferences that we have to dispute our final grade is a must or else our final grades are locked in without our input. The conferences, however, are jeopardized as Professor Hodges potentially has jury duty on the four days that our final conferences will happen to be the 18th-21st of December.

    Revisions may be made to the items in the Portfolio after the deadline, however, there will be no feedback and a later conference would be better to pick as the grading order is going to be in conference order.

    Simple Arithmetic
    The questions are simple while the answers are not. The answers that my classmates posted in the reply field were discussed and I got three out of the four questions correct.

    Source Workshop 2
    The earlier talked about Westboro Baptist Church is once again discussed as a way to help us find sources for our rebuttal. Negative Information Transference was the first thing that popped up in Google Scholar when searching for celebrity endorsements. The image of what people think about a celebrity can be a risky business to the product as the negative press a celebrity can garner will harm whatever they are endorsing. Using different avenues to find academic sources is important as seen when the NFL protests had started a way to find an academic source to support that they are being unpatriotic is to search for sources about Disrespecting the Flag.

    Research Position paper
    The paper is an argument and that is exemplified through Professor Hodges’s attempt at finding how the class finds to be the Greatest of all time in any sport which I cannot weigh in on whatsoever. The paper compiles the three short arguments and has a minimum of 3000 but there is a slight allowance of two or three words that do not have an additional 1500.

    Makes it illegal to go inside any sort of meat processing place to gather evidence about the abuses and publish the findings.
    The sides of Ag-Gag laws were discussed and the difference of opinions that the sides hold.

  10. laflame says:

    Class notes
    Discussed portfolio and requirements
    Went over “simple arithmetic questions” portion of lecture
    Completed sources workshop 2
    learned how to find more useful scholarly articles
    discussed “Workshop: Ag-Gag Argument” portion of lecture

  11. ANONYMOUS says:

    . 5 cents,47 days, 5 minutes, 63 games, 6 rounds
    . To find academic sources you need academic terminology. Like how writers create their papers with an audience in mind you need to research using that audience’s rhetoric to get the results you desire.

  12. ladybug122718 says:

    Class Notes 11/20

    Visual Argument for BabyYoda:
    – Standing ovation. That figures. My worst performance in weeks, and they ate it up.
    – Not to mention they laughed in all the wrong places. What a bunch of losers.
    – Even when getting the standing ovation you might not get affirmation of that.

    Portfolio Contents:
    – All students must include eight (8) pieces in their final CCII portfolio.
    – 2 Short argumentative essays…
    o Write and revise three (3) researched argumentative essays representing different rhetorical approaches, such as proposal, rebuttal, definition, causation, evaluation, etc.
    – …with an earlier draft for each essay.
    o For each short essay, an early and a revised draft will be provided to demonstrate responsiveness to feedback.
    o The essays should range in length from 1,000 to 1,300 words.
    o The short, argumentative essays must incorporate 2-4 sources, in-text citations, and a References section.
    – A visual rhetoric assignment:
    o This requirement can be met by the analysis or the creation of a visual argument at the discretion of the instructor.
    – An annotated bibliography:
    o The annotated bibliography should contain 10-15 sources. While sources that students used in their essays should be included in this bibliography, all entries in the bibliography might not have been used in the students’ essays. The bibliography should include a variety of types of sources, from traditional academic sources to popular sources, including multi-media sources.
    – Researched Position Argument:
    o The end product of a semester-long research process, this 3000-word argument will synthesize the content of the three shorter researched argumentative essays and contain its own References list.

    – Portfolio contains 8 items:
    o Annotated Biblio – Proposal +5 10-15 sources
    o Visual Rhetoric Rewrite
    o Self-Refective Statment
    o Definition, Causal, Rebuttal Draft/Rewrite 1,000
    o Argument rewrite 1
    o Argument rewrite 1

    Simple Arithmetic Questions:
    Sources Workshop 2:
    Extra Credit Task:
    Portfolio Task: Research Position Paper

    • ladybug122718 says:

      – Portfolio contains 8 items:
      o Drop Dead Deadline BEFORE class MON DEC 11
      o Grade Mandatory Conferences
      o Final Grades submitted as early as FRI DEC 22
      o Portfolio Double-Check MON DEC 11 (MON DEC 18, TUE DEC 19, WED DEC 20, and THU DEC 21)
      o Annotated Biblio – Proposal +5 10-15 sources
      o Visual Rhetoric Rewrite
      o Self-Refective Statment
      o Argument rewrite 1
      o Argument rewrite 2
      o Short Argument 1 (Definition, Causal, Rebuttal Draft/Rewrite)(1,000)
      o Short Argument rewrite 2

      Reflective Statment:
      -The reflective statement should focus on the First-Year Writing Program’s five core values listed below and explain how the student has met the course expectations for these goals.
      -Core Value I: Understand that writing is a practice that involves a multi-stage, recursive, and social process. (In particular, students should address how they have engaged in self-directed revision.)
      -Core Value II. Understand that close and critical reading/analysis allows writers to understand how and why texts create meaning.
      -Core Value III. Understand that writing is shaped by audience, purpose, and context.
      -Core Value IV. Understand the role of information literacy in the practice of writing.
      -Core Value V. Understand the ethical dimensions of writing.

      Simple Arithmetic Questions:
      – Lilypads in a group are called Lilypods.
      1. A bat and a ball together cost $1.10. the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? (10 cents)
      2. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how many minutes would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets? (5 minutes)
      3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how many days would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake? (76 days)
      4. 64 teams compete in a single-elimination tournament. Teams that win advance to the next round. Teams that lose are eliminated. How many games will be played before a champion is crowned? (8 rounds)

      Sources Workshop 2:
      – Rebuttal Sources?
      o Maybe you’ve heard this one before. My student X texted me about her
      Annotated Bibliography. With X’s permission, I offered to find some sources and share the results as an in-class demonstration of research techniques for today’s class.
      + I’ve been working on my Bibliography since spring break. Finding 10 solid sources that don’t all say the same thing is becoming hard. I have 5 strong sources. Is that enough? (No)
      -Westboro Baptist Church
      o The example of the Westboro Baptist Church from earlier in the semester. My student Z wanted to argue the thesis that when the WBC show up at military funerals with their “God Hates Fags” posters, they achieve the exact opposite of their intentions, alienating all decent observers from their cause and creating sympathy for the homosexual community.
      o Video on Academic Vs. Popular Sources
      o Video on Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals
      o Student X used the Rowan Univ Library to find, “Flag Burning: Moral Panic and the Criminalization of Protest Micheal Welch.”

      Workshop: Ag-Gag Arguments:
      – Should Activists Be Targeted with Ag-Gag Laws?
      + A Brief Video Debate over the Ethical Treatment of Animals turns into a Debate over the Ethical Treatment of Farmers and the Ethical Treatment of Activists.
      o Farmers say: Activists bolster their false claims of animal cruelty inside animal farms with doctored and manipulated footage.
      o Farmers say: Activists’ real agenda is to close all animal farms and force vegetarianism on the country.
      o Animal Rights Advocates say: Undercover footage has led to criminal charges against meat producers and food safety recalls.
      o Farmers say: Releasing footage of presumably cruel treatment to the media instead of giving farms a chance to take corrective action demonstrates that activists want to harm farms more than help animals.
      o Farmers say: Waiting “even a minute” to gather a body of evidence of abuse instead of “turning it over” immediately proves activists don’t sincerely seek change; they seek to harm the farms.
      o Animal Rights Advocates say: What we gather is evidence of criminal behavior.
      o Animal Rights Advocates say: Sadly, much of the abuse in meat-raising farms is institutionalized abuse against animals NOT PROTECTED by a single federal law.

      Extra Credit Task:
      – Select any of the 9 sources below
      – Publish your work in the Ag-Gag Sources Category and Username category.
      – Title your work Ag-Gag–Username.
      1) Law Declares Reporting Abuse to be Terrorism
      2) Laws Turn Activists into Terrorists
      3) Gross-Out Videos as an Activist Technique
      4) Raising Animals for Food
      5) Taping Cruelty is now the Crime
      6) Open the Slaughterhouses
      7) Warning, Graphic: The Meat Video (What Cody Saw)
      8) Foie Gras Is Not Unethical
      9) Two Videos on Gavage: Force-Feeding Geese and Cormorant Swallowing
      Whole Fish
      – Link to How Big Agriculture Completely Controls 96% of Chicken Production.
      -Video on “Gotcha” that exposes chicken production practices.

      Portfolio Task: Research Position Paper
      – Research Position Paper presents the opinionated results of your research into a meaningful topic. It presents your thesis, establishes its legitimacy with ample evidence from academic sources, defends itself against the most persuasive counterarguments, and persuades your reader to change her mind, appreciate a new perspective, or take action.
      – Research Paper = References due Mon Dec 04
      o The Paper is an Argument. Its purpose is to persuade readers of the rightness of your opinion based on the evidence you’ve compiled and synthesized.
      o The Paper compiles the work of the entire semester. It uses elements and material from your Definition Essay, your Causal Essay, and your Rebuttal Essay.
      o The Paper shows evidence of significant research. It blends what you have learned from academic and other sources with your own experience and observations to produce a unique point of view that could have been produced only by you.
      o The Paper meets the minimum 3000-word requirement.
      o The Paper includes a References section. Most papers will need to cite 10 sources to accurately credit the influence of the materials compiled. Be very concerned if your paper cites fewer than seven

  13. 11/20/23
    Affirmations: Only matter from the people who you trust.
    “Standing Ovation. That figures. My worst performance in weeks, and they ate it up. Not to mention they laughed in all the wrong places. What a bunch of losers.”

    This class was an overview of the course, what is coming up, what to get done, and what goes where.

    Annotated Bibliography = Proposal +5

    Researched Position Argument: The 3,000 word paper including all 3 short arguments we have worked on throughout the semester.

    Portfolio due: Dec 11

  14. thad711 says:

    -Spoke on what goes into the portfolio which consists of 8 items we have worked on
    -Proposal+5 turns into annotated bibliography
    – Talked about reflective statement which is similar to comp 1 reflective statement
    -Sources workshop 2

  15. babyyoda1023 says:

    make sure everything is completed and follows portfolio checklist

  16. sunflower828 says:

    Class Notes 11/20:

    – In the portfolio, students will choose two of their three essays (rebuttal, definition, causal) that will include their draft and their rewrite. This will result in four pieces of work in the portfolio. An annotated bibliography is extremely important to include in the portfolio, showing the 10-15 sources used and providing a description of them.

    – Students must conduct a reflective statement stating that they followed the five core values of the Rowan First Year Writing Program. This statement should be an argument proving to Professor Hodges that we have mastered the skills considered to be the five core values. In order to accomplish this task, students should copy and paste the template and they should also link their own essays within the reflection.

    – Our portfolios are due on December 11, 2023. Our grade conferences are December 18-21st, but we may not have them as Professor Hodges may not have Jury Duty.

    – When looking for additional sources, students should reference the sources used to write in their already annotated sources, and research them to add to their writing.

    – The final research paper is due on December 4, 2023 and 3,000 words are expected.

  17. propel78 says:

    – Portfolio task due December 11 Monday
    -this category comprises a total of eight assignments
    final grade conferences will span four days and can be scheduled post doublecheck

    riddle answer
    – the balls cost is $0.05
    -it takes 5 minutes
    -the answer is 47 days
    -A total of 63 matches

    sources workshop
    -aim for a balance between popular and academic sources
    -explore the distinctions between these two types of sources.

    Research position paper
    -deadline: December 4, Monday
    ensure the paper meets the specified criteria including a length of 3000 words substantial research a reference section compilation of seems]ester long work and adherence to high standards

    workshop ag-Gag Arguments
    -extra credit opportunity optional
    -select any source that piques your interest

  18. 11/20

    I think it was very funny that he has jury duty on the day of our conferences. I think it would be cool to do that one time in my life. But it is kind of scary because your helping decide someones fate in their case.

    I liked the simple arithmetic questions. These are like brain exercises. To see how smart you actually are at simple stuff.

    Our research paper is due on monday the 4th. Its coming up fast. I got to start writing now. Hopefully i can get a good grade in this class. 🙂

  19. indigo143 says:

    – a lot of house keeping
    – the ball is 5 cents, 5 minutes, 47 days, 63 games?
    – help on how to find more sources when you are stuck
    – extra credit

  20. millycain says:

    Class Notes Monday 10/20:
    -The ovation example reminds me of how musicians will get mad when a song that they didn’t put as much effort into or didn’t like as much ends up becoming their most popular song.

    -Here’s what you should put into your portfolio:

    The Portfolio

    The link is more efficient than me explaining it.

    -When looking for sources, you should examine things that are similar to what you are researching, but without using the exact words.

  21. bloguser246 says:

    11.20.23 notes
    – Make sure each original draft has a rewrite so it can reflect how much improvement were made (2/3 arguments and rewrites will go into portfolio)
    – Annotated bibliography can be made from your proposal +5, but make sure there are 10-15 sources to show your research throughout writing.
    – Your self-reflected statement should include how you used the first-year writing program’s 5 core values while writing your arguments
    – Cut and paste the outline for the self-reflective statement and insert your own information.
    – Make sure to link the papers when using them as examples of when you incorporate the 5 core values
    – The final conference is to discuss the grade you think you deserve with professor, if you don’t show, the professor decides the grade with no dispute
    – Don’t search the exact opposite of your argument, look for words that contradict/ are involved in your argument so you can find sources to rebuttal.
    – Paper has a minimum 3000-word requirement, make sure to hit this target
    – 12/4/23 is when your research paper is due (that will go into your portfolio) submit earlier to have feedback from professor
    – 12/11/23 is when full portfolio is due, you can make revisions until your grade conference (which is the day that your paper is graded)

  22. tonysoprano44 says:

    – Portfolio should contain 8 items
    – Change the name of Proposal +5 to Bibliography and add to portfolio
    – End of year grade conference
    – Simple arithmetic questions:
    1. 5 cents
    2. 5 minutes
    3. 47 days
    4. 63 games

  23. thefirstmclovin says:

    Class notes
    First we looked at the failed affirmation and then looked at the portfolio requirements which must contain 8 items. Then we did some simple arithmetic questions.

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