Class 16: MON OCT 30

Wake up


Things Aren't Things

But first, a little detour

Riddle: Just Passed Scenic Views

The Skincare Lecture/Demo


  • Read The Skincare Definition Argument by a former student schoolcookiemonster.
  • Consider its strengths, but read critically, being alert to anything you find confusing or unpersuasive.
  • For examples of feedback already provided on the argument, consult The Skincare Definition Workshop.
  • On the Argument page, leave a Reply offering praise and criticism. Don’t forget the criticism. Writers don’t get better without honest appraisals from their readers.


The Opposite of a Black Sneaker

sneaker broccoli

Portfolio Task: Causal Argument

Geek Bike Helmet

30 Responses to Class 16: MON OCT 30

  1. JetsFan2 says:

    October 30 Class Notes
    – The Starry Night photo was perceived moving because our eyes were playing tricks on us.
    – A thing is just an object when it doesnt have a name.
    – recent bias is a more new phrase. It has to do with the ability to think about a topic based on relatively close encounters. -> Bryce Harper stinks because he played bad last week but 3 weeks ago he is the best player ever.
    – Say there is something important before it appears. Put a sign up that says scenic views ahead, not Just passed scenic views

  2. maxxpayne says:

    – The power of captivating and indoctrinating the audience perspective explained through the starry nights.
    – Things are nothing until it has been named.
    – Feedback on a definition argument.
    – Discussing the casual argument.
    – Learned about recent bias.

  3. hdt1817 says:

    Class Notes 10/30
    – Things are not things until they are named. Until we name things we don’t know what they are.
    – Recency bias is when you put importance and relevance on things you’ve seen recently just because they are fresh in your mind.
    – We talked about definition arguments and we were provided a student example of a really good opening sentence.
    – Don’t share the important information and then share afterwards what it means, that should come beforehand
    – Most readers will draw their own conclusions before you get a chance to explain what a statement means.
    – We discussed the skincare definition argument and how it was effective in convincing readers that the FDA should regulate skincare products.
    – The opposite of something doesn’t necessarily have to be just one thing.
    – In writing you need to make a choice, you don’t have to try and satisfy anyone with compromise.

  4. ANONYMOUS says:

    . We need to give names and definitions to objects and phenomenon gives them permeance in papers and real life and we use these definitions to give our arguments character.
    . prep your readers to see what you want them to see. Just quoting sources without any context and not using it to indicate a argument the readers wont understand what the text is arguing.
    .It breeds a combative environment in the essay if you don’t guide the reader to what your trying to prove first then proving then the other way around.
    . We create colorful debate with our essays when using black and white rhetoric we create a lose-lose situation for every debater forcing a grey area in which nothing is truly proved and nothing resolved.

  5. TheFrogSprog says:

    You will perceive the world how you are trained to but never give up on trying to make people see things your way.

    What will the world’s next taboo be?
    Like slavery of the past and how certain cultures keep people from education what will the next taboo be? Joining the wars of others, smoking, and perhaps even keeping pets will be as well.

    Things have no properties until they are named their value then comes into existence. You can own them and share them and bring them into the world by giving their meaning to others.

    Recency Bias is the bias of thinking something recent is the absolute best. This is a term that you would think has existed for a long time but has only begun to permeate throughout Professor Hodges’s head about a year ago, and I had never heard of the term before today.

    The Definition Argument of BlogUser246 was then discussed with its great opening statement and the lessons we can take from how the writer utilized words to craft an engaging yarn. This, however, goes downhill as vague words and situations towards the end of the first paragraph quickly cause the essay to lose steam.

    Just Passed Scenic Views
    The sign is very similar to the idea presented at the beginning of the lecture, where you can prompt and indoctrinate the reader into thinking a specific way. The issue with this sign is the fact that it doesn’t let the passerby know until after the event has happened. You have to share the meaning of something before you introduce an idea to a reader as they will have decided their own meaning. You can’t argue with the reader over the meaning of evidence. Introduce the meaning first to acclimate the reader to what you are saying and then explain the meaning behind it.

    We then went into the Skincare Definition Argument and talked about the semantics and minute details of each sentence.
    The Skincare Argument presents a sloppy opening as the author’s writings make it seem like the Skincare World work as hard as they can in self-governing their ingredients list, but it is in fact the government who does so as proved by the author’s thesis.

    What is the opposite of a black sneaker? Anything other than a sneaker would be the opposite as the color doesn’t factor into it as a white sneaker is still a sneaker and thus a white sneaker can’t be the opposite of a black sneaker. You can use a multitude of arguments to find the opposite of a black sneaker, but there are no natural opposites to anything, and we can use arguments and reason to find a multitude of things. Thoughts of grey are seen as compromises and many people view this a losing the argument. The worst thing to do in writing is to not make any choice meaning, starting with grey, compromising with grey, and then ending with grey.
    The black and white argument will always have a loser and more often than not both sides will lose as a compromise makes everyone unhappy.

  6. jreggie20 says:

    Class Notes:

    Wake Up- Video of the famous painting Starry Night as an optical illusion.

    Things Aren’t Things Until They’re Named-Meaning that it is nameless until its named.

    But First a Little Detour-A definition argument written by BlogUser246 that is a good example of what a definition should have and discuss.

    Riddle: Just Passed Scenic Views- Doesn’t give much information on what it is referring to. Don’t make the statement so broad.

    The SkinCare Lecture/Demo – Revise a Definition Sneaker.

    The Opposite of a Black Sneaker – Items could be compared but cant be the same.

  7. hockeyplayer says:

    Class notes:

    Begin with a video of the starry night painting and a quick loop before that convinces our brain the painting is moving when it is not.

    “Things aren’t things until they’re are named”.

    Riddle- Just Passed Scenic Views, the answer to this was the sign should have been before the scenic views as the current sign that is there has no purpose as we are already passed the views.
    -Side note, there is help located in the Campbell Library writing center and tutors are there to help with many being former students.

    The Skincare Lecture/Demo: Compare the definition argument with the definition workshop, leave criticism and praise.

    The opposite of a black sneaker- The opposite of a sneaker should not be placed on a spectrum, while we may think the opposite here is a white sneaker that is wrong. The opposite of a black sneaker is,” it’s broccoli, or impressionist art, or the atomic weight of laughter. We’re not obligated to compromise our positions to find something that contains components of both”.

  8. laflame says:

    Class notes
    We talked about the discussion argument assignment
    Discussed daily riddle
    Just as a “Just Passed Scenic Views” sign is useless to a driver on the road, unnecessary detours in your writing can just throw the reader/ audience off your point
    Explaining the relevance of a citation helps the reader follow and understand your argument
    Briefly talked about usefulness of writing center
    Discussed and completed “The Skincare Lecture/Demo”
    Learned what weakness are common in definition arguments and practiced by giving feedback on a sample essay
    Discussed “The Opposite of a Black Sneaker” portion of the lecture
    It is important to illustrate a clear image of your argument like a color on color sneaker rather than a gray on gray sneaker
    The example of the sneaker was very helpful and illustrative

  9. kevinjames says:

    In the Starry Night video, we can relate it to our definition argument by breaking it up into two parts. The spiral is the prep we do in order to present our argument. In our paper we lay out information to get the reader adjusted to our point of view and the way we want them to view our argument. Once the reader obtains this information, we present the argument which is the painting, and with the previous information, we’ve directed the viewer to see things the way we want them to. We looked at examples from a previous student on how revisions should be used and why they were changed. The two links demonstrate feedback received and changes based on that feedback. Most examples use the word “different” instead of describing how they are different such as one being better or worse than the other. Lastly, we went over why the opposite of a specific item or argument is never as black and white as it may seem, and its up to each person do argue why they think the two oppose each other.

  10. thad711 says:

    -Starry night picture was seen moving when really its just a trick on our minds to see it as movement
    -Objects are just objects with no name
    -Skincare Demo
    -Black sneakers are still sneakers no matter the color
    -Discussing the casual argument

  11. babyyoda1023 says:

    It’s good to prep the reader with evidence before supplying the rest of the claims. Readers can perceive inequality as difference. Difference says ideas are not the same, while inequality demonstrates ideas should be the same but are not. Editing afterwards is key to capture the attention of readers and contradict their views of what you already wrote.

  12. propel78 says:

    class note: 10/30/23

    – we started class today with a video of a starry night painting with a brief looping sequence that tricks our brains into perceiving motion in the painting, even though it remains perfectly still.

    -we delved into the notion that things aren’t truly things until they are given a name. this underscores the idea that naming and labeling are pivotal in our understanding and recognition of objects

    -we talked about a riddle just past scenic views this enigma was that the sign should have been positioned before the scenic view. This current sign post-scenic views, serves no practical purpose since we’ve already passed the picturesque sight.

    – we looked at a skincare lecture, took a closer look at the definition argument, and compared it to the definition workshop. during this discussion, we encouraged both criticism and praise to foster a deeper understanding of these concepts.

    -in a though provoking twist we explored the idea that the opposite of a black sneaker isn’t a matter of placing it on a spectrum. Contrary to what one might initially assume the opposite of a black sneaker is not a white sneaker it can be something entirely unrelated such as broccoli impressionist art or even the atomic weight of laughter. this highlights the concept that we are not bound to compromise our viewpoint in an attempt to find something that combines elements of both extremes.

  13. eric cartman says:

    Class notes
    Optical illusions portray a different perspective than what we see warping our sight and how we perceive an image.
    We reviewed the skincare definition example and feedback, in this, we were able to analyze what parts stood out and what needed improvement, and how to look for that in our own writing.
    We discussed the crucial components of references and why sources are always relevant in our writing as well as how we cite them.
    we pointed out common weaknesses in definition arguments.
    Looking at the sneaker argument we see how dividing two sides of a debate and the components to an argument that can cause it to close the minds of the readers and make no room for discussion.
    Our second short argument is due on Sunday night, we reviewed the basics for that assignment.

  14. youngthug03 says:

    You must prepare your readers to give them your claims so that they are perceived as you want them to.

    “Things aren’t things until they’re named.”: you must name things to give them importance and meaning. By doing this, they become things.

    When you have an idea, you should name it to give it more importance, and by doing this, it gives your idea more weight, which will grab your reader’s attention more, and they will become more interested.

    It is important to name your definition argument because, without a name, it is nothing.

    Your claims should be clear and provide evidence to back up your claims.

    You want to point out what is important about your argument at the beginning rather than the end because when you tell them at the end, it is too late. You must prepare them for why your argument is essential before you give all the evidence to back it.

    You want to give your standing on your claim at the beginning so that your reader isn’t confused about where you stand so they know what side of the argument you are trying to persuade.

    It is important to copy your original draft/essay and post it again as a rewrite so that you can make your changes there.

  15. 10/30/23
    Professor Hodges started off class with “The Starry Night” painting by Vincent Van Goh to correlate with preparation for readers. “Soften up the readers before you lead your evidence onto them”
    “Things aren’t things until they’re named”
    “Beautiful opening sentence”: Hooks readers: Bloguser246: “As we enter a time when being economically sustainable is necessary to make real environmental improvements, companies are cracking under pressure to keep up.”
    Riddle: “Just passed scenic views”
    Skincare Lecture/ Demo Feedback: Governments job to regulate, cookie monsters claim was contradicting.
    Causal argument: Wednesday Class
    Opposite of a Black Sneaker: Opposites are difficult on surface, therefore compromise positions are important.

  16. 10/30

    Things aren’t anything until you actually name it. For example like a building on campus. If is named it might have more of a purpose.

    He clearly showed us what wasted sentences looked like. He also showed us that you should give the information before you show the claims to us first. These points are very helpful because I didn’t understand what these people were trying to tell me in short paragraphs.

    The opposite of items is a cool concept. There isnt really anything opposite of a black sneaker. It just doesn’t make sense. It makes a point about opening your mind and stop thinking narrow minded.

    Your first draft should be different than your last draft. It helps you improve as a writer. It also shows that you learned something in class.

  17. sunflower828 says:

    Class Notes 10/30:

    – When looking at the spiral and then Starry Night, students can compare the short video to an essay, and how they are able to make readers believe things the more they look at things and the more they read. By preparing readers to receive the evidence which is included in the paper, similar to how Professor Hodges prepared students of the video, it allows readers to be more receptive of the information and the message which is being taught.
    – The introduction of recency bias, one being bias towards something they recently saw, is extremely helpful for students to keep in mind when writing, as they are able to be more susceptible to something they recently saw.
    – Through the discussion of the “just passed scenic views” sign, it allows students to take away the concept of telling something too late. This applies to writing, as a reader will not go back to look for good evidence or writing, if something was addressed too late. When addressing something too late, the reader will not go back to see if it applies to a claim which is later being referenced in an essay.
    – While looking at the sneaker example, it becomes clear to students that there is not one clear answer for a question, but the way in which we argue our answer is the most important aspect of writing.

  18. Class Notes :

    -the Starry Night painting video shows the perception of the mind. Your mind is playing tricks on you
    -Things aren’t things until they’re named: Preparing readers of the concept you propose by naming them.
    -When receiving feedback post the blog in rewrite categories instead of the original to better see how your writing has improved.
    -Opposite of a Black Sneaker: an example or different way on how to approach debates.

  19. millycain says:

    Class Notes Monday 10/30:
    -The optical illusion with Starry Night is a metaphor for indoctrination. We can see or believe things as true if we are conditioned to do so.
    -Making clear claims and providing evidence to back up those claims is a recipe for good writing. It seems incredibly obvious, but it can easily be lost while actually writing.
    -It’s important to make your claims before providing the evidence. If you do that the other way around, then the reader will not know your opinion, and they will have to reread the beginning to understand the evidence, which they will most likely not do.

  20. indigo143 says:

    Just Passed Views
    -learned that you cannot wait to the end to point things out in your essay because they have already come to a conclusion on their own
    -I learned that when writing an argument essay, the statistics should come with a sway
    – don’t waste statistics

    – for revisions, make a separate post for the rewrite

    Opposite of a Black Sneaker
    – learned that opposites aren’t so “black and white” so to speak
    -the opposite of something could really be anything

  21. gingerbreadman27 says:

    -The Starry Night is a still picture however when indoctrinated or prepared with the swirling imaging the Starry Night becomes alive. This related to our argument because we need to prepare our audience in a way that brings our argument alive in their eyes.
    -Perspective is important in identifying things, too close and you have too much detail. However, too far and you have no details to identify it. Relating to our argument you need to provide just enough detail for your audience to understand and want to support your argument but not so much they get drowned in unnecessary information.
    -Just passed scenic views, an unfortunate way to draw attention to a lovely view. In our arguments information shouldn’t be provided blindly to our audience for fear that they come to their own conclusion. Our audience should be prepared to accept our supporting information and coerced in a manner that makes them want to support your argument.

  22. ladybug122718 says:

    Class Notes 10/30

    -Video on The Starry Night comes to life and unravels.
    o “Stare at the center for 20 seconds then you’ll see the Starry Night sky”.
    o You continue to see the world as it is again without it going out of control.
    o The static image in the center of the spiral.
    o The Starry Night painting is still the same at 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 47, and 48 seconds.
    – Soften readers up before giving them the evidence.
    – The definition argument is to bring things into the world that aren’t there, like a bunch of atoms.
    o The professor uses a cup as an example to show the way we see things from our point of view.
    o A sign that says, ” Things Aren’t Things Until They’re Named.”

    A Detour:
    – BlogUser246 needs a Title and their argument is good.
    – Gives a beautiful opening sentence about being economically sustainable

    – A sign that says, “Just Passed Scenic Views.”
    o An alternative for the sign is, ” Authoritative, persuasive views by a recognized authority just ahead on the right!”
    – Doesn’t tell us what was important or where it was that we missed.
    – Thier not gonna turn around and look for what they missed when they don’t even know what it was.
    o A paragraph that makes “Just Passed Scenic Views” mistakes:
    1)You would think these results would be the other way around if modified organisms were as terrible as some perceive them to be. Instead, the poll revealed that most of the people who are consuming GMOs have gathered a lot of information on them, while 75% of the people who stay away from these foods admitted to reading absolutely nothing about them.
    – You can use the Writing Centers at the Campbell Library and James Hall where they offer to help students with their writing by making an appointment with a tutor.

    The Skincare Lecture/Demo:
    – Small exercise assignment on, “Skincare Definition Argument”.
    – Example of feedback on the argument is in the Skincare Definition Workshop.
    o Cookiemonster quote: “Skincare items with dangerous ingredients should be identified as drugs due to their excessive amounts of side effects and future problems they have caused consumers to go through. Drugs can be absorbed by the skin, swallowed, injected, and even sprayed to enter the human body. As a comparison, skincare products are also absorbed into the skin.”
    1)This paragraph talks about skincare being like a drug due to the ingredients that may give some side effects and problems to the consumers. They talked about how it’s absorbed in different ways but they didn’t tell us some of the ingredients of it being a drug to our skin. It’s just them telling us how the different parts of the body it can enter our body.

    Opposite of a Black Sneaker:
    – Color on Color: A Model
    o Dividing one side from the other is wrong due to each side never agreeing that it leads to no result. The topic of the debate is important as you have to have an open mind so that you may be able to understand both sides of the argument and come to a conclusion between the two.

    Portfolio Task:
    -A causal Argument is a short argument that is due on 11/5 or 11/6.
    o It’s an essential argument to your research paper and will become a part of your portfolio with your other arguments and rewrites.
    o Identify one or more cause-and-effect relationships that are essential to your thesis.
    – Look at the types of causation statements and basics.
    – See some of the previous semester’s students’ causal arguments to get an idea of what you should do
    – All your arguments and rewrites will go into your portfolio.
    – Definition/Re-write, Causal/Re-write, Rebuttal/Re-write, Research Paper, Annotated Bibliography, and Self-Reflective Argument.

  23. bloguser246 says:

    10/30/23 notes
    – Start persuading someone to prepare them before revealing your evidence so they are in a willing state to accept what you are saying
    – It is important to name your work because it is nothing until it is named
    – Add a comment to what you put into feedback please to get a quicker response (add specific feedback you want or its automatically going to be argument feedback)
    – Make claims clearer so people know exactly what you are saying
    – Give why the claims are important before introducing the evidence that supports your argument or readers will develop their own opinion before yours is introduced
    – The writing center is a good place to get a second opinion from peers
    – Definition argument final draft should be vastly different than the first draft or there is no point in feedback and rewrites

  24. puffer says:


    -Professor Hodges Showed a video in which an optical illusion made the Starry Night painting appear in motion.

    -“Things aren’t Things until they are named.”

    – Things have no properties until they have a name with a named value
    – Name your ideas to give them more weight and attract more attention.
    – Name your definition argument

    – Recency Bias is the bias of thinking something recent is the absolute best. (Hodges)

    – Professor Hodges discussed the Definition Argument of BlogUser246 about its great opening statement and how we should learn from using wording to craft an essay. However, the use of vague words situations towards the end of the introduction can cause the essay to lose the reader’s interest.

    – The opposite of a black sneaker is not a white sneaker because it is still a sneaker. For something to be the opposite of something, it must be completely different.

  25. petergriffin11 says:

    Class notes
    – Video showing an optical illusion
    – Don’t let statistics go to waist
    – When rewriting an assignment label it “rewrite” with your username
    – Your first draft should be different from your last draft. For instance use the sneaker riddle to make the two drafts different.
    – Go to the writing center to help grasp different opinions to help better your papers.

  26. nothingxtoxsay says:

    Notes 10/30/23
    – “Things aren’t things until they’re named.”
    – Definition argument is fundamental to name things.
    – Sign: “Just passed scenic views” this sign is not helpful because it’s in the wrong place. It should be before the scenic view, so nobody missed it.
    – Help when you need it: The writing center at the Campbell Library by appointment.
    – The opposite of a black sneaker – the opposite of a black sneaker is not a white sneaker in color it is but what’s the opposite of a sneaker?
    – Gray on Gray – Happiness is nothing more than the satisfaction of one’s current standpoint
    – Color on color – you can have all the stuff on worlds and just be content but if you have several things missing in life but helping others you may be content because you are helping others and you are going against injustice.

  27. 777sunflower777 says:

    -“things aren’t things until they’re named”
    -first we read the dilemma of the skincare world and criticized it, left our thoughts.
    -I looked at the opposite of a black sneaker and it made me realize that we don’t want to use black or white in an argument, we don’t want to leave our argument in a grey category. Instead, we want to use color and change what others may think and go against what others may think or say.
    -“grey satisfies no one” this quote really stuck with me, we’re not meant to go with the flow, we’re meant to stand out whether that’s in our writing or day to day life
    -the next assignment (casual argument) was discussed

  28. rebelpilot64 says:

    Here’s what we did today in class.
    First we looked at the starry night painting and saw the it move by looking at an illusion. It really looked like it was moving.
    Another thing we did was we talked about the sneakers and a black sneaker is not opposite from a white sneaker. It was also mentioned that the sneaker as a compromise turns gray but usually when that happens compromise does not work. I also feel that if we use color instead of turning it into gray, compromising works out better because there are all different types of colors and ideas in there.
    Tutoring was also mentioned if anyone needs help with anything in which you can go to the library for the tutoring.
    We also mentioned that there is another portfolio assignment coming up.

  29. hurtnowitzki says:

    Notes 10/30/23
    – Examined the “Starry Night” Painting and its illusion of movement
    – Things aren’t things until they’re named
    – Discuss the opposites. In ex “what’s the opposite of a white sneaker. Most would immediately say a “black sneaker” but because its still a sneaker is it really the opposite? A more specific opposite would be a red high heel.
    – Causal argument completion period has started

  30. thefirstmclovin says:

    We first started the class without a quote of the day first but a video of the starry night unravel which was quite the surprise. Often times there are usually artwork that could be defined as out of this world and I feel “the Starry Night” is one. We than looked at the quote of the day, which I got out of it that stuff isn’t set in stone until it is. We then looked how to site properly and took that detour. We then looked at another riddle regarding scenic views which I agree with. We then responded to the Skincare Definition Argument by a student. Then we commented on the “Opposite of a Black Sneaker”.

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