Class 08: MON OCT 02

Genius Hypothesis

How would you construct an experiment to test the Hypothesis
“Bees Don’t Fly in the Dark”?

Too Late to Meme

First, you might need to know who Christopher Walken is. He has one of Hollywood’s most recognizable faces. But it never occurred to me that he resembled a famous actress until I saw
a particular image of him as a young man.

Models of Good Writing

I’m often critical, some would say too critical, and sometimes neglect to celebrate the best of the writing I see in my classes, so today I’m recommending that if you want to study some examples of beautiful Purposeful Summary submissions, you should navigate over to those turned in by Puffer, MaxxPayne, and HDT1817.

Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.

  • HDT is the cleanest example of a compliant submission: long enough to be substantial but brief and clear in all aspects.
  • MaxxPayne has written at greater length, but without being wordy or irrelevant. If you don’t recognize the source material, it came from a Professor post in the category: Counterintuitivities.
  • Puffer has written summaries just long enough to qualify as complete, but check out the clarity of the claims about what’s counterintuitive.

Punctuation Pro Tip

  1. WRONG: Notice that, like examples of bad writing, these models are good in different ways.
  2. WRONG: Notice that these models, like examples of bad writing, are good in different ways.
  3. RIGHT: Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.

Hypothesis Hint

A Good Hypothesis Described

  • Essay writing is like the scientific process, designed to test hypotheses with experiments, not prove preconceptions.
    • Research is the targeted search for evidence to test a hypothesis.
    • “Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions” (not “Prove Hypothesis”) is the last step.

The “Give Directly” Hypothesis

A Good Hypothesis Illustrated

  • USAID tested the theory that direct aid to the poor would improve childhood nutrition more than trying to engineer nutrition programs for them, on the theory that the poor know what to do; they simply lack the resources.

Writing Workshop: Objectivity

33 Responses to Class 08: MON OCT 02

  1. hockeyplayer says:

    Class notes:

    “If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it.” -Albert Einstein

    -Models Of Good Writing
    -“HDT is the cleanest example of a compliant submission: long enough to be substantial but brief and clear in all aspects.”
    -“MaxxPayne has written at greater length, but without being wordy or irrelevant.”
    -“Puffer has written summaries just long enough to qualify as complete, but check out the clarity of the claims about what’s counterintuitive.”

    – Punctuation Pro Tip
    -“WRONG: Notice that, like examples of bad writing, these models are good in different ways.”
    – “RIGHT: Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.”

    -A Good Hypothesis Described. “Essay writing is like the scientific process, designed to test hypotheses with experiments, not prove preconceptions.”

  2. hdt1817 says:

    Class Notes 10/2

    – We discussed how bees do not fly in the dark and how to test the hypothesis through experimentation.
    – We discussed how we can turn to our classmates for writing advice for the purposeful summaries, Professor Hodges listed 3 authors from the class who we can pull inspiration from and showed us examples of the techniques that they used in their writing.
    – Professor Hodges demonstrated how punctuation makes the world of a difference in what you are trying to convey in your sentence
    – Professor Hodges gave us insight on how to formulate proper summaries and urged students who did not yet have a conference with him to do so.
    – We used forest fires as an example of how to show counterintuitive certain topics can be and how we can create a hypothesis around a counterintuitive topic.
    – Proving a hypothesis is not the last step, analyzing data you’ve collected and drawing conclusions is the last step.
    – Doing the research that gives you an answer to your hypothesis means you’ve succeeded. You don’t necessarily need the answer that you are looking for in order to create a successful experiment that leads you to a conclusion.
    – We talked about giving money to poor people in Rwanda instead of livestock or job training.
    – Professor Hodges used the lightbulb example and how Thomas Edison tried hundreds and hundreds of times and the lightbulb wouldn’t light but even though the lightbulb wouldn’t light the experiments were still technically successful because Edison was disproving a hypothesis each time.

  3. maxxpayne47 says:

    Today, we discussed several key topics related to research, hypotheses, and the importance of proper punctuation.

    Importance of Using Proper Punctuation:

    – Proper punctuation is crucial in research and academic writing as it helps convey meaning accurately.
    Incorrect or inconsistent punctuation can lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and a lack of professionalism in your work.
    We learned that punctuation marks, such as commas, semicolons, and periods, serve specific functions in structuring sentences and paragraphs.
    How to Reach a Good Hypothesis by Exploring Unconventional Topics:

    – We explored the idea that a good hypothesis can often arise from investigating topics that may not initially appear promising.
    By questioning established ideas and thinking outside the box, researchers can uncover new perspectives and potential research avenues.
    We emphasized the value of creative thinking and curiosity in the research process.
    Hypothesis as a Failure if It Doesn’t Prove Something New:

    – We discussed the concept that a hypothesis is not necessarily a failure if it doesn’t prove something entirely new or groundbreaking.
    A hypothesis can still be valuable if it contributes to existing knowledge by either confirming or challenging established theories.
    The process of disproving or refining a hypothesis can lead to valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the research topic.
    The Validity of Hypotheses and Their Outcomes:

    – We reinforced the idea that a hypothesis can provide meaningful results even if it doesn’t prove the expected point.
    Sometimes, a hypothesis may demonstrate how a particular approach or idea does not work, which is a valid contribution to the scientific process.
    We encouraged a positive outlook on such outcomes, as they pave the way for further research and refinement of hypotheses.

  4. thefirstmclovin says:

    We first began the class with a quote from Albert Einstein. The quote was very relative to writing as there are multiple attempts before the finished product. Next we described how Bees don’t fly in the dark and the hypothesis. The hypothesis described that bees do not fly when the lights are out. We then went of the “Give Directly” hypothesis scenario. I personally think the author’s hypothesis was very interesting and answered correctly. Lastly we viewed the dead body on the ground zero street of China’s deadly corona virus. I think that video was odd and intriguing as it brought a new insight to the virus in other countries and how each country was affected.

  5. eric cartman says:

    Class notes
    Punctuation and comma placement can impact the interpretation of a sentence.
    A hypothesis is mostly considered successful as long as it is proven, you may not get the results you wanted but it will still have a proven outcome.
    When looking at the china ground zero photo, you see men in hazmat suits and a body. Not knowing the circumstances of the pandemic, my mind initially interpreted a biohazard of chemical leak. Initially, just when seeing the body outline, you cannot tell what the cause of death is.You see yellow and white jumpsuits, which makes me assume it is chemical related, and tat body fell victim to toxic fumes or a leak, especially because China is known for having poor air quality. It appears to look almost like the media is spreading awareness of a health or environmental hazard.

  6. 777sunflower777 says:

    -bees in fact do not fly in the dark
    -during class we talked a little bit about what to do and what not to do with our purposeful summaries
    -I realized how important punctuation really is
    -a set of parenthesis or a comma could change the structure of the whole sentence…the example used was “notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways”
    -essay writing is designed to test hypothesis with experiments
    -research is the targeted search for evidence to test a hypothesis
    -the last stop is not to prove a hypothesis but to draw conclusions about your hypothesis
    -whatever you prove becomes your thesis
    -if your researching something that you think is true but find information that is saying its not true that still means that you have proven something, true or not
    -Thomas Edison took hundred of tries to get the lightbulb to work and his friends were telling him it was a failure but he still pursued it. Each of the those tries were a success because on each of those tries he proved that something did or didn’t work
    -the example of Thomas Edison helped me understand everything more because i finally realized that you can be successful even without proving something in the favor of your hypothesis
    -failure is the key to success
    -we watched a video and if i was being an objective observer of the street scene and didn’t have the information that it was chinas ground zero at the beginning of the pandemic and nobody told me that it was a dead person lying on the street, i would have thought that it was some kind of drug overdose or murder. There were people in hazmat suits covering up the dead body. In the beginning the people in the hazmat suits looked very confused leading me to believe that they didn’t know what was going on either.
    -“lets” is a suggestion or a proposal claim

  7. Urbie says:

    writing workshop about body on the street:
    Based on what I watch I can say that’s it’s kind of surprised to see the scene on the street in a random time and nothing around it and nobody stop by to see what’s going on, so we can see that some emergency service shows up has the ambulance some of them in a white protection and other in yellow protection I think the different between them is that each one have a specialty emergency service he provide it. But in that time, it’s seeming that it was kind of virus because no pay attention a lot like is something normal to happened.

  8. jreggie20 says:

    Class Notes:

    Hypothesis-Bees don’t fly in the dark. You could put a couple of bees in a container and turn off the lights and they would drop to the floor as we saw in the video of “X”.

    Too Late to meme – Christopher Walkin has one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood. Him and Scarlett Johanson have similar features.

    Models of Good Writing – Puffer, MaxxPayne and HDT1817. have examples of good/bad purposeful summaries in different ways. They have examples of what you should and shouldn’t do in giving a summary.

    Hypothesis Hint – Hypothesis feedback page. In September of 2020 Forest fires were raging in California. The President suggested that the fault of the fire was the forest floor not being “swept”, meaning not clearing the sticks and leaves.

    A Good Hypothesis Describe – An essay is like a scientific process, designed to test a hypothesis with experiments. You use research to search for evidence to test a hypothesis. It’s a failure if it proves nothing but doesn’t if it proved common knowledge.

    A Good Hypothesis Illustrated – Instead of giving out money, it could just be sent to your phone and use it as a bank. Families in Rwanda were given help, but their hypothesis was not exactly true. “Our Hearts Sank” it didn’t go exactly as planned but when they were given $500, and it did make a difference.

    Body of The Street – A man in China was laying on the street lifeless and people with hazmat suits standing around him. It has a header that says, “Dead Man Lies on an Empty Street at China’s Virus Ground Zero”, This is from the viewers that are watching it on television. For the ones that are there witnessing it firsthand wouldn’t know what to think or react but to get away. It would be a real shock to see a dead man in real life.

    The word “Lets” means you and one other person does something, the other person has a choice to do it or not. In this case Harvesting organs of death row inmates is a crazy thing to do because it seems inhuman to disembowel someone even if they did something evil.

  9. kevinjames says:

    First we were introduced to a quote by Albert Einstein. The quote was then tied into the lecture by showing what seemed to be a crazy idea of comparing Christopher Walken and Scarlet Johansen. Then later showed that that comparison was made by many other people beforehand.
    We then went over good examples of Purposeful Summaries. We were shown the good aspects of each of the examples, and then went in depth on placement of ideas in a specific sentence.
    We then talked about our hypothesis’s and what happens if we prove it wrong. Every time we prove it wrong, we are successful in proving that some other way fails to achieve what we set out to prove.
    Finally we briefly went over future assignments we us such as searching for claims throughout different sections in a story. An example of this we went over in class was the death row statement.

  10. ANONYMOUS says:

    . Good hypothesis has a fantastical quality to it something that makes it a bit ridiculous but also gives it worth as a hypothesis
    . A parenthetical expression is used to provide more context to a situation described in a sentence and can be removed and the sentence still makes sense
    . we need to research and experiment in order to form a thesis from a hypothesis even if your initial hypothesis is “wrong” you can get something “right” from it.
    . Research is always beneficial one way or another failure just leads to later success, just like you can find gold while mining for silver you can find and new idea through a old theory.
    . While watching the video with objectively in mind it looked like the person just passed out are didnt want to move him but then the white and yellow suits came and it looked like he had a disease that warranted a wide birth from anyone not is protective gear.

  11. coldice234 says:

    Class Notes 10/2

    First, we looked at a hypothesis “bees don’t fly in the dark,” and how to test the hypothesis. It was tested by holding bees in a cage and turning off the light, and they immediately stopped flying. The hypothesis seemed absurd at first, but when tested, it was proven true.
    Next, we looked at a picture of a young Christopher Walken, who looked like Scarlet Johansson, and it was thought that this was an idea never thought of before, but it had been thought of. Sometimes a hypothesis or idea may seem original, but it turns out others may have already thought of it.
    Next, we looked at student examples of purposeful summaries. Each one had different lengths, but were all good purposeful summaries of their articles.
    We then looked at three different examples of a sentence, structured differently with different punctuation. In the sentence “Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways,” the commas serve as parentheses. If you were to drop the words in between the commas from the sentence, the meaning wouldn’t change and the punctuation would still work. Also, this sentence is structured so that it is clear that the examples of bad writing are different, and not models, or good, or any other words in the sentence.
    Next, we discussed making a good hypothesis with an example from an article. In 2020, there were many forest fires in California and the president claimed that it was the fault of California for not sweeping the forest floor of leaves and branches. This sparks a debate about if this is the true reason, or if there is another way to prevent forest fires. A possible solution and hypothesis would be to clear the ground of the forest every few miles or so, to stop the fire from spreading.
    We then analyzed how to make a good hypothesis. Research is used for evidence to test a hypothesis, not to answer it. Drawing conclusions from the evidence is the final step, and what you prove is your thesis. If your hypothesis is disproven, you still succeed because you have discovered a new truth from proving or disproving it. If your hypothesis is disproven, you should begin with the answer to your hypothesis, not what you set to prove originally.
    We looked at an example of a hypothesis trying to prove that giving money to the poor would help eliminate poverty. There were four groups with different amounts of education or cash given, and the experiment showed that giving them $114 did not help much. But this succeeded in proving that this method would not work to eliminate poverty, and other methods such as a larger amount of cash should be tried, because the larger amounts did help. This experiment was a success, as it proved something new.
    We then looked at a video of a dead man at ground zero of the pandemic in China. But without the news subtitle, we may not understand what it is we are looking at. I described the scene objectively, as a man lying on the ground, with people in white suits that look like spacesuits, and other colored suits taking the man away into an ambulance. Another shot shows a person walking away hastily with a mask, possible walking away from the scene there.
    We then looked at a claim “let’s harvest the organs of death row inmates,” and that there are multiple claims before the final sentence. “Let’s” is a proposal claim, as it is a suggestion of what we should do. “Let’s harvest” is more specific and harvesting is an analogy for taking the organs of the inmates. The sentence has multiple claims and is more specific as it continues on.

  12. JetsFan2 says:

    Class notes oct 2,
    – Christopher Walken looks like SJH
    – punctuation -> commas are used like parenthesis.
    – Stopping wildfires was talked about
    – As a researcher, the goal is prove a hypothesis, but in order to do so they need to analyze data and draw conclusions.
    – Failing something can be seen as a success for proving that the way you tried is the incorrect way -> thomas edison lightbulb
    – I would think the image the two men are workers who discovered an object but were unsure of what is was so wore the suits for safety.
    – claims inside a paragraph

  13. TheFrogSprog says:

    If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it – Albert Einstein

    How do you test the hypothesis of whether bees fly at night? How would a test be constructed for this hypothesis? A box lambasted with light filled with bees is how it is treated. When the lights are turned off the bees immediately land.

    No matter how outrageous an idea seems, you should first pursue it to see if it’s as absurd as it sounds like Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johanssen having similar facial features in certain time periods and photographs.

    Like bad writing, good writing also has many examples and Professor Hodges highlighted three specific authors in our cohort. These three authors show different ways our writing can be improved, like our wordiness and length.

    Punctuation is something that everyone struggles with, and this simple matter of writing can cause a great deal of strife to all writers.

    (Wrong) Notice that, like examples of bad writing, these models are good in different ways.
    (Wrong) Notice that these models, like examples of bad writing, are good in different ways.
    (Right) Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.

    You have to look at commas like the examples above you should treat them like parentheses and say that sentence out loud while dropping the phrase cordoned off.

    I did find this illustration of a hypothesis to be useful. The counterintuitivity of the absurd idea presented the blossoming into a different idea. Using critical thinking skills to find these thought processes is best done when written out.

    The search for evidence to draw conclusions is the characteristic of a good hypothesis. When setting out to prove a hypothesis that bees don’t fly in the dark, if they continue to fly is it a success or a failure? It is a success because you succeeded in attempting to prove your hypothesis. You have obtained new data and research and have succeeded in finding information to help form a new hypothesis based on your previously discovered information.

    A new type of aid for Rwandans was being tested by USAID and four different groups were defined to test the hypothesis on how money is a better aid than the previously given training in nutrition and hygiene. The hypothesis that USAID thought they’d be able to prove was not proven. The study did not fail as they learned something new in relation to the disproving of the hypothesis. The success came from how they found that one of their test groups saw a benefit from what they were given during the test. A failure would be if the testers gave up entirely after their original hypothesis was proven false. I don’t think that handing the participants money without educating them was the wrong way to go about the study because providing the people with money allowed them to see to all their needs while the education program gives them the knowledge without the means.

    When Edison invented the lightbulb, he did not get it right the first time. It took hundreds of tries and every time he proved an additional part of his hypothesis which was that the material he was using as a filament was incorrect and he needed to use a different material.

    Body on the Street
    Viewing this objectively
    It seems like an empty city environment going about its daily routines at first with some passersby ignoring the man on the ground and then the men in suits. The video then turns into what appears to be a crime scene as police and investigators come to see what happened to the man on the street.

    Basic Claim Types
    Claims are declarative statements of things I declare to be true.
    How many claims are hiding in a paragraph? Provocation: a means of arousing or stirring to action. Let’s Harvest the Organs of Death Row Inmates
    Let’s is the first claim of that statement which is a proposition claim.
    Harvest is the perfect word choice in this situation as harvesting is exactly what one is doing. While one might think that only one with a claim to it can harvest, people can still harvest if they pay to go and pick something. Poaching and pillaging would be another great choice, but the word choice of Harvest puts a great spin on the claim making it much more delectable to its consumers.

  14. laflame says:

    Class notes:
    Discussed what good examples of purposeful summaries
    Discussed the makings of a good hypothesis
    A good hypothesis doesn’t necessarily mean it must be proved, the point of the hypothesis leads to analyzing data and drawing conclusions
    The authors of the USAID study didn’t necessarily fail, they just didn’t happen to find the solution they thought they would
    They did succeed because people already know what to eat and how to eat right, but they just didn’t have the means to eat properly so they gave them money so that they could afford to get it
    The author’s would be incorrect to draw that type of conclusion because the people aren’t being irresponsible with the aid money, they just have more pressing issues than eating good food.
    Writing Workshop: Objectivity
    There is a man incapacitated on the side of the road, and when ems comes they cover the body of the man
    Multiple groups of people in different hazmat shoes show up to take the man’s body away and at the end it shows a womens running away seemingly scared
    The group of men in yellow retrieve the man’s body and load it into a unmarked van and just drive away

  15. Urbie says:

    Class notes for 10/2/2023:
    “If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for its”
    example of genius hypothesis –> “Bees Don’t Fly in the Dark”?
    discussion about the pictures of Christopher Walken and how from a picture for someone you can be remembering another Personne at the same time.
    Look up on some good writing made by some classmates, then we discussed about “Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways. “.
    Tips for today:
    WRONG: Notice that, like examples of bad writing, these models are good in different ways.
    WRONG: Notice that these models, like examples of bad writing, are good in different ways.
    RIGHT: Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.
    Hint of the day about hypothesis is know how to find my hypothesis in the subject.
    Description of a good Hypothesis:
    Essay writing is like the scientific process, designed to test hypotheses with experiments, not prove preconceptions.
    Research is the targeted search for evidence to test a hypothesis.
    “Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions” (not “Prove Hypothesis”) is the last step.
    The “Give Directly” Hypothesis we did discussion about it in class.
    writing workshop for the day was about a video of a dead man lies on an empty street at China’s virus ground zero, then we discussed our own objectify about the video.

  16. planefan25 says:

    Class Notes!

    * I was aware that bees don’t fly in the dark but I was not aware of how quickly it can happen.

    * A hypothesis test is still successful even if you don’t prove your hypothesis right. You still got closer to developing a strong hypothesis.

    * The Rwandan cash grant hypothesis interested me because these people aren’t struggling because they are uneducated they are struggling because they don’t have enough money, which can result in less than average education, nutrition and hygiene. There also isn’t just a financial aspect, these people are extremely stressed due to long working hours and dealing with poverty. When you are stressed are you going to spend an hour cooking a balanced dinner or are you going to throw whatever in the microwave just to get by. Also the idea that these people are irresponsible with money is disrespectful, they are people who ended up in unfortunate situations.

    * If I saw that as myself five years ago I would perceive it as dystopian. Five years ago I was 13 and had no clue what COVID was. It would be extremely scary because the people around the body were normal except for one lady. Even the people collecting the body were extremely relaxed like it was normal. When the yellow jumpsuit people put the body in their van it even looked like they didn’t have enough room. One of them had to jump in there and move something around to fit him. All of the body collectors were masked and anonymous which would be scary without the context, you wouldn’t know if they had killed them or where they were taking him.

    * Harvesting organs from death row prisoners is inhumane. They are still people and even if they consented they would most likely not donate them if they weren’t being killed. Like Professor Hodges talked about, they use harvesting as a way to make it seem nicer than it is. Stealing or pillaging would be a much more transparent word choice.

  17. babyyoda1023 says:

    When in doubt if the hypothesis sounds counterintuitive, then it most likely will be interesting. Proving your hypothesis wrong is another counterintuitive way to write a hypothesis. A hypothesis becomes a thesis, based on what the writer can or cannot prove. Having a hypothesis that people have proved repeatedly wont allow for a good counterintuitive research paper. A research paper is unfinished until all examining points are proven. The goal in writing is to find truth within a hypothesis rather than “prove”. A claim or hypothesis is a declarative statement that is factual.

  18. indigo143 says:

    – learned that bees do not fly in the dark
    – learned how to write a good and true hypothesis
    – learned that even if your experiment proves your hypothesis incorrect, that incorrect hypothesis is now your new hypothesis
    – a hypothesis becomes a thesis
    – learned that if a hypothesis is something that everyone already holds to be true, it is not a good hypothesis
    – hypothesis is a temporary argument piece
    – gave models of good writing done by other classmates
    – learned how to perfectly reword an example sentence in correct grammar
    – learned that a hypothesis can change especially after doing research
    – evaluated an example experiment and answered questions to the best of my ability
    – learned how to understand a conclusion when the hypothesis doesn’t prove to be true

  19. We started class off with the quote of the day, “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” By Albert Einstein.
    What seems right without thinking about it.
    – Check grades
    Genius hypothesis: how would you construct an experiment to test the hypothesis
    “Bees don’t fly in the dark?”
    – Collect box of bees and watch them fly in the light
    – Turn off the lights and see what happens
    – Success in proving the hypothesis was correct
    – No matter what it turns out we can prove, it becomes the thesis.

    Christopher Walkin and Scarlett Johannson look alike- hypothesis.

    Look at summary example model
    – 2020 california forest fires
    Find your topic, scan the prevailing opinions, reject them.

    A god hypothesis described
    Essay writing is like the scientific process, designed to test hypotheses with experiments, not prove preconceptions.
    – Research is the targeted search for evidence to test a hypothesis
    – Analyze data and draw conclusion (not prove hypothesis) is the last step
    – Eliminate obvious wrong answers first then you will stumble across the right ones.

    A claim is any declarative statement that makes it sound like a fact.
    – many types of claims and claims can overlap. (Identify it)

  20. sunflower828 says:

    Class Notes 10/2:

    – In the beginning of class, Professor Hodges reminded students about the option to rewrite their work if they would like to improve their grade. Through this reminder, students are able to know what to do regarding their work and improving their grade.
    – When looking at the hypothesis about bees flying at night, students were able to learn the importance of a hypothesis and how a hypothesis can develop into a thesis. Eventually, a hypothesis always evolves into a thesis.
    – While reviewing the photo of Christopher Walken, Professor Hodges showed students how there are sometimes many other people who have also shared your hypothesis. Even though some information may seem new to you, others may have already proved right or wrong. If you continue to attempt to prove things that other have already proved, then they may not read your paper. Through the research of sources for your hypothesis, you may need to alter your thesis to prove or discredit your original hypothesis.
    – Through the review of commas and proper punctuation, students are able to discover the most efficient way to get information across. By reviewing this, students are able to get a short lesson of what correct punctuation will look like in difficult sentences.
    – By looking at the well written summaries by classmates, students are able to understand what a desired summary looks like. By Professor Hodges making comments while reading through the summaries, he reminded students of the true meaning of a purposeful summary and how they must relay their point of view on the topic through their work.
    – When reviewing the counterintuitive topic of fires spreading in California and the sweeping of the forest floor, students were able to see that not all hypotheses are reasonable or correct.
    – While reviewing the hypothesis of helping the Rwandans, students were able to see the evolution of a hypothesis in a real life example. By spending significantly more money per person which allowed them for them to gain more resources, it allowed for them to change their hypothesis due to the real life situation in Rwanda.
    – Through previewing the various types of claims, Professor Hodges enlightened students with the various forms of claims which they can make in their writing. While this may not have been known prior to the lecture, students can now identify the types of claims they make.

  21. ladybug122718 says:

    Class Notes 10/2

    – You could improve your summary
    – Grades will go on Canvas, not on the website.

    Genius Hypothesis:
    – Test the hypothesis that “Bee Don’t Fly at Night”
    – Prove the test by collecting a box of bees and putting a light inside then switching it off.
    – Bees don’t fly in the dark they just drop to the ground.
    – But if they did you prove your hypothesis is wrong but you prove that they don’t fly at night.
    No matter what you prove a hypothesis is a thesis.

    Christopher Walken:
    – Found a young picture of Christopher Walken, not an old picture.
    – The hypothesis is that Christopher Walken looks like Scarlett Johanssen.
    – Don’t waste your time on something that can be proven true.

    Models of Good Writing:
    – Examples of purposeful summaries look at Puffer, MaxxPayne, and HDT1817.
    – Each model is good in writing but in different ways bad writing.
    1) Puffer’s summary checks out the clarity of the claims of counterintuitive.
    2) MaxxPayne is written at a great length, but not wordy or irrelevant, and doesn’t use the source of material that the professor posts in the category list.
    3)HDT1817 had a clean example that is to be substantial but brief in all aspects.

    Hypothesis Feedback:
    – Forset fire in 2020
    – California was to blame for the forest fires
    – Sweep the forest floor with leave blowers and cords
    – Millions of forest land divided by 5 miles
    – The ground being cleared can slow down the raging fire from spreading
    – Find a topic that prevails the opinions
    1) In my opinion, this is helpful for your hypothesis cause it shows if it’s accurate or not. The point is that your hypothesis is to get the original problem and see if you can prove it to be true or wrong. Stopping the forest fire requires water to be placed around the forest so that when a fire happens they could spray the water over it to but it out.

    The “Give Directly” Hypothesis:
    – Daniel Handel heard about a program that could help aid people and boost poor people’s income.
    – Spend $114 on training people in the program
    – Assigned people to 4 groups where they each had their own assignments and training.
    – The government found that the program meant none of the objectives that they wanted of the program.
    -They found that $114 didn’t help them in the training program till they gave them $500.
    – Supporters of the exercise complain that the government doesn’t do enough for the program to actually work.
    1) The authors didn’t fail the program but they did succeed. As the experiment had proven that they shouldn’t be doing it just prove if their study was right or not. But the people in the program proved to them that the more money they get the more improvement they will see.

  22. chich_ says:

    Class notes: chich_
    -Do bees fly at night? In the box, when you turn off the light they drop. Proving the hypothesis right. That they don’t fly at night.
    -Because models are good in different ways, it means that they are bad writing in different ways aswell.
    -A good hypothesis matters when it’s new data that hasn’t been proved before.
    -Just like thomas edison found a electric generation, failure is another step to success.
    -When you prove your claim right, your hypothesis then becomes your thesis.
    -We also learned different types of claims like , definition, analogy, numerical, comparative, etc.
    -There are way more claims in a piece of writing than you think there are.

  23. millycain says:

    Class Notes 10/02:
    -The fact that we can never recall seeing bees at night doesn’t mean that they don’t fly in the dark. We must test that in an experiment to make that claim.

    -A hypothesis being proved wrong is a success because you were still able to answer your question.

    -Examples of both good writing and bad writing can be good and bad in different ways. There is no one thing that determines the quality of a piece of writing.

    -The reader never has to know what the original hypothesis was. If the original gets disproved, then only present the reader with what you found out was true.

    -Edison’s many failed attempts on the lightbulb illustrates how things that seem like failures are actually successes. With each failed lightbulb, Edison was able to eliminate that whatever filament he used was not the kind that was needed for the lightbulb to work. A question was answered, which got him closer to his goal.

    -There are many different types of claims. Each type of claim is obviously claiming something, but the way that they make their claim is what makes them different from one another.

    -Something as simple as the word “Let’s” can be a claim. Its claiming that you and I should do something. Claims do not need to be long sentences that are related to a problem for it to be a claim.

    -I’ve counted 5 different claims in the claim “Let’s Harvest the Organs of Death Row Inmates”
    1. Let’s
    2. Let’s harvest
    3. Lets harvest organs
    4. Lets harvest organs of inmates
    5. Lets harvest organs of death row inmates

  24. youngthug03 says:

    Class notes: 10/2/23
    Bees don’t fly at night:
    The bees did not fly in the dark.
    This was a success because it answered the question of how bees don’t fly at night.
    The hypothesis was proved through the experiment.
    Whatever you can prove through the experiment, change the hypothesis to the thesis

    Too late to meme:
    Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johansson
    Hypothesis are ideas that can be untrue and will result in your thesis failure
    Must come up with a hypothesis to prove that people don’t already know to surprise them and inform them of something new.

    “Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways”
    Hypothesis feedback (wildfires):
    This illustrates how horrible the wildfires are and the issues that are caused because of them. In this situation or any situation with a hypothesis that is seen to be not true. It doesn’t mean that you are completely wrong. You are still able to prove what you found from the hypothesis you used. Whatever you learn from your hypothesis, you are able to prove it with your thesis.

    Did the authors of the study Fail?
    The author’s study did not fail but the program did.
    Would proving that cash-equivalent grants were as beneficial as the education program have qualified as Success?
    Yes, the cash-equivalent grants were as beneficial as the education program if not more than the program. Although they were not beneficial as as each other, it still is important and relevant to the study.
    Or did the authors succeed by proving that simply handing recipients money without any stipulation was the wrong way to achieve a particular goal?
    No, because even though the experiment failed does not mean that this was the only way to fix the problem.
    Could the authors conclude that poor people really DON’T know “what to do with the money”?
    The author is unable to conclude that poor people don’t really know what to do with their money because they are able to choose what they do with the money. The families were able to choose what they thought was the best thing to spend their money on.

    Types of claims:
    Definition claim
    Analogy claim
    Categorical claim
    Factual claim
    Evaluative claim
    Ethical or moral claim
    Quantitative, numerical, comparative claim
    Causal claim
    Recommendation or proposal claim

    “Let’s harvest the organs of death row inmates”: Proposal claim, analogy claim

  25. Class Notes:

    -Went over housekeeping and emphasized the importance of turning in late work to greatly increase a grade.
    -Can bees fly in the dark? The answer is no when dark bees are unwilling to fly.
    -A hypothesis is meant as a claim it does not have to be a fact. A Hypothesis can be turned into a thesis.
    -Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johansson show a resemblance when he was young. Takeaway is that a hypothesis should be surprising and be able to prove it.
    -Recommending students models of purposeful summaries to show the difference between good models that used improvement. They are good in their own ways one was long, two was greater length but not so wordy, and the third was just right not too wordy, just long enough to be looked at as a purposeful summary.
    -If a hypothesis does not sound crazy when the thought pops up there is no good outcome when proving a claim.

  26. gingerbreadman27 says:

    -A good idea could seem crazy, because it has a chance of being counterintuitive and if you can prove it then you’re in the minority of people that have ever researched the topic and come to a conclusion.
    -Bees don’t fly in the dark? Regardless of the outcome you’ve uncovered during your research you found an answer to the question you asked. It might not have been the answer you were hoping for but you’ve found an answer.
    -A good hypothesis is one that hasn’t been written to death.
    -To sweep the forest floor clean would seem like and outrageous idea to even consider, but it has some merit to it. To prevent a wildfire from spreading through millions of acres you need to stop the fire from spreading out of control. This can be done by cutting fire breaks through the forest.
    -To teach Rwandans or just give them money to improve their nutritional health. In the end neither way improved the nutritional health. It wasn’t until a larger cast grant was gifted only then did the nutritional health improve.

  27. bloguser246 says:

    10.2.23 notes
    • If a hypothesis seems a little ridiculous, it is worthy enough to be investigated.
    • You always have the opportunity for feedback and to edit assignments to improve your grade
    • Proving your hypothesis wrong is still successful because you have results regardless of the outcome.
    • You can have an old picture of young Christopher Walken but not a young picture of Christopher Walken. The picture is not young, the person is. Word placement is important in order to make sense.
    • Looking at the recommended classmates can provide you with models of the assignment well done.
    • Good writing can be good in different ways and bad writing can be bad in different ways.
    • You can always change your position on your hypothesis if you find it to be wrong, your readers will never know you switched
    • Don’t work ahead on the agenda because tasks are subject to change before scheduled class
    • There can be a claim in just one word. Ex: “Let’s” the word is offering that me and you are going to work together.

  28. propel78 says:

    Class notes: 10/2

    -Bees don’t fly at night
    -Different models excel in various ways, indicating that they also exhibit shortcomings in distinct aspects of their writing.
    – A good hypothesis matters when there is new data than before
    – failing is just another step towards success
    -clearing the forest floor may initially appear audacious, it possesses some valid merits. To curtail the rampant spread of wildfires across millions of acres, it becomes imperative to contain the fire’s uncontrolled expansion.
    -Numerous claim categories exist, each asserting something, yet their distinctive manner of assertion sets them apart from one another.

  29. tonysoprano44 says:

    A hypothesis becomes a thesis no matter the outcome. Whether the outcome is proven your theory correct or incorrect, it can be set up as a thesis statement.
    You abandon your hypothesis with a thesis when you prove something can be stated about your hypothesis.
    If you find your thesis has already been claimed, it is a bad one because it is not unique.
    Cant be looking for a specific hypothesis to be proven, but rather that the results will build a thesis no matter what

  30. puffer says:

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” -Albert Einstein
    Class 8, October 2nd notes

    -Do bees fly in the dark? No.

    -Christopher Walken kind of looks like Scarlet Johanson

    -Models of Good Writing
    -HDT is the cleanest example of a compliant submission: long enough to be substantial but brief and clear in all aspects.
    -MaxxPayne has written at greater length, but without being wordy or irrelevant. If you don’t recognize the source material, it came from a Professor post in the category: Counterintuitivities.
    -Puffer has written summaries just long enough to qualify as complete, but check out the clarity of the claims about what’s counterintuitive.

    Professor Hodges went over Punctuation Pro tips
    1) WRONG: Notice that, like examples of bad writing, these models are good in different ways.
    2) WRONG: Notice that these models, like examples of bad writing, are good in different ways.
    3) RIGHT: Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways.

    -Commas (,) are just small parenthesis (()) When used similar to examples above.
    – “Notice that these models are good in different ways. How? Like examples of bad writing.” = “Notice that these models are good, like examples of bad writing, in different ways”

    -We discussed hypothesis feedback and some information on wildfires that were spreading in California and how we could have prevented it or helped keep it from spreading

    -What is a good hypothesis?
    -A good Hypothesis creates an essay in which the essay is designed to test the hypothesis with experiments, and not to prove preconceptions.
    -Research is the targeted search for evidence to test a hypothesis.
    -“Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions” (not “Prove Hypothesis”) is the last step.
    -Your hypothesis is successful as long as it gives you a result to use as your thesis.

    We went over how Daniel Handel tested a hypothesis in a foreign country (Rwanda) to see how poor people improve with different help (Nothing, Training, Money, and more Money)
    – He split them into these groups and his hypothesis proved out not to be proved, they have shown no improvement. BUT, a year later the results began to show a small difference in the groups that had hygiene training, and were given larger cash grants.

    1) Did the authors of the study fail? No, they tested a hypothesis and got a result.
    2) Would providing that cash-equivalent

    We watched a video of a dead man lying empty on a street in China during the very early stages of covid-19

    Claims. (PTSD Non-portfolio Tasks)
    HW: look for claims in each of your sections.

  31. thad711 says:

    -Bees cannot fly in the dark, one way to test this hypothesis would be to have a group of bees in constant darkness and the other in constant light
    -Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johansson look very similar especially in the photos side by side
    -A good hypothesis can help create an essay on how to test it and keep helping to prove it true or false

  32. nothingxtoxsay says:

    Notes: 10/2/23
    – we started class with a hypothesis “Bees don’t fly in the dark.” I learned today that this hypothesis was proven to be true. The professor showed us a video where somebody trapped bees in a clear container with a light bulb and they turned the light off and the bees immediately fell to the ground.
    – We also talked about how FAILURE is the KEY to SUCCESS. I agree with this because how else would you know if you are good at something or if you like it because you are too scared to fail. But if you take your chance to fail you might find out that you are actually pretty good at whatever you tried.
    – He also said the Puffer, MaxxPayne, and HDT1817 are good-witting role models for the class. He said that they are good in different ways.
    – writing workshop: Body on the Street:
    . By just looking at this video I would’ve thought it was an overdose or a murder scene.
    . All the different colors of jumpsuits would have set me off. I would’ve felt like something way worse than it is. It will also make me question why they are taking so long to pick up the body and move it from the premises.
    . Also, the lady in a hurry leaving would’ve made me question why she was in such a hurry.
    – At the end of class, he introduced us to the video ” Let’s Harvest Organs of Death Row Inmates.” He asked us if “Let’s” was a hypothesis and I thought it wasn’t. But today I learned that it is because is in the form of a proposal. He said “Let’s” means that you are proposing something to somebody else, but the other person has the choice to say no.

  33. hurtnowitzki says:


    – Opened class with hypothesis: Bees don’t fly at night…proven true
    – Its ok for a hypothesis to seem ridiculous at first sight
    – You are able to change your stance on your hypothesis if you see fit..your viewers may never know
    – Began discussing claims as we watched a video called “Lets Harvest The Organs Of Death Row Inmates.
    – Something as simple as “Let’s” already qualifies as a claim Lets = “How about we” 

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